The series of videos is divided into 16 clips in all and takes you from registering with the site all the way through to adding different page elements and importing video.
My favourite clip in the series though has to be number 2 where he talks about my Learning Technology blog!

The rest of the site is also well worth checking out too as there are a lot of other videos on useful topics.
If you have used blogs or wikis with students, I'd be interested to know which you find most effective., so please leave a comment.
Related postings:
Hope you enjoy the videos
Nik Peachey
My favourite clip in the series though has to be number 2 where he talks about my Learning Technology blog!
The rest of the site is also well worth checking out too as there are a lot of other videos on useful topics.
If you have used blogs or wikis with students, I'd be interested to know which you find most effective., so please leave a comment.
Related postings:
Hope you enjoy the videos
Nik Peachey
Helloy Mr. Peachey,
This is the first time that I've visited your blog, and I find it quite interesting. Recently I startet teaching an intro (starters) group, this is my first experience teaching an L2 and I really love it. I like the idea of introducing students a whole new language.
On the other hand, as I'm not experienced enough sometimes it is hard to deal with certain Lessons and get Ss' to understand the relevance of what they are doing. The material I'm working at the moment gives them the basic elements for written and spoken communication and interaction. As they are just starting the level (about three weeks) I'm not sure if it's viable to work with online resources, such as web pages or blogs due to their lack of vocabulary.
I would like to know what do you think about exposing starters learners to these kinds of materials, and what can be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.
Thank You for your time.
Love your blog!
Yurith Karina
I liked this blog.
In my opinion it serves as a very good guide in how to use different technological resources, such as gmail and wikis and also provides links and videos to similar sites.
The ideas and suggestions of how to use computers and technology in the classroom are great!
It is a very useful and interesting blog.
Betzayda Lara
Helloy Mr. Peachey,
This is the first time that I've visited your blog, and I find it quite interesting. Recently I startet teaching an intro (starters) group, this is my first experience teaching an L2 and I really love it. I like the idea of introducing students a whole new language.
On the other hand, as I'm not experienced enough sometimes it is hard to deal with certain lessons and get Ss' to understand the relevance of what they are doing, I speak English during 98% of the class, some instructions I give them in Spanish. The material I'm working at the moment gives them the basic elements for written and spoken communication and interaction. As they are just starting the level (about three weeks) I'm not sure if it's viable to work with online resources, such as web pages or blogs due to their limited knowledge of the language.
I would like to know what do you think about exposing starters learners to these kinds of materials, and what can be the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.
Thank You for your time.
Love your blog!
Yurith Karina
First of all I am a follower of technology I believe it is around us wherever we go. Technology to me in language teaching and learning is very important as english teachers we have to foster it inside the classroom and why not we can use all kind of devices to help students to learn faster and in a fun way.
Hi Yurithk
Personally I think the sooner you get students working with technology the better. It doesn't have to be complicated and they can actually use some technologies in their own language, but it can still help them to learn English. Blogger for example is multi lingual now, so students can set up the blog in their own language and publish their language work in English.
IT skills are just so valuable to our students' future, I don't think we can afford to delay developing them.
Hi lara
Glad you enjoyed the blog.
Hi Izmael
I absolutely agree. I think technology is making this a very exciting time to be a teacher.
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