Thursday 10 September 2009

Web 2.0 Tools for EFL ESL Teachers

This has been a pretty busy week for me, mainly because I delivered my first online technology training presentation (8th September 2009) using the Adobe Connect Pro platform. I have to thank Jürgen Wagner and Verena Heckmann, e-learning specialists at the Landesinstitut für Pädagogik and Medien in Saarbrücken Germany, for offering me this opportunity to get online and promote and share some of the technological tools and activities I believe can be so helpful to EFL and ESL teachers.

The complete two hour session was recorded and can be viewed online (warts and all), so if you would like to hear me talking and displaying some of these tools then you can go to:
My advice is to jump the first 20 mins (Me defining Web 2.0) and get straight into the good stuff (the tools and how to use them).
  • I also prepared a 53 page booklet to go with presentation. and you can look over it below or you can download your own copy here: Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers (8Mb PDF)
Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
Feel free to print and share the booklet or sections of it if you find it useful and by all means leave a comment if you have any suggestions for the next edition.

Related links:

Nik Peachey


Susana Canelo said...

Great Post Nik:
I love your booklet. It's clear and visually attractive. More than just a tutorial, you present a lot of ideas for our classrooms. And links to go on exploring.


Nik Peachey said...

Thanks Susan.

It was written in a big hurry, so there may well be a few typos. Do let me know if you spot any.



Mary Di Mónaco said...

Amazing presentation! Not only the tools, but also -especially- the great ideas to get the most out of them.

I agree with Susana. The booklet is very clear and appealing to the eye. I have embedded it in our CALL SIG Ning and I suspect it'll be the core of our next f2f meeting.

Thanks once more for sharing.
Mary (Rosario, Argentina)

Teresa Pombo Pereira said...

Hi, thanks for the post! Great presentation that I've just twetted :-) I'm from Portugal.

Nina Lyulkun said...

Dear Nik,

I am delighted to say that this wholehearted posting and resourses mentioned in it are of great help to us - teachers. Since I have been working and collaborating with webheads I constantly explore the valuable links people share. Your collection is invaluable. Thanks a lot for the job done. I do like to share the web 2.0 tools with teachers in Ukraine and would like to ask your permission to use these materials for reference.
I really give you a bow for the great job.
The best,

Nik Peachey said...

Hi Nina and All

Thanks so much for the encouragement. It will make the next one of these free booklets come that much quicker.

I'm really glad it has made its way to Ukraine, especially as I lived and worked there for a year back in 1994 and have such happy memories of the place.

By all means use the booklet for reference, training, print up and give to friends, post to forums etc.

As long as you give it away for free I'm happy for people to make copies and circulate them.

Thanks again


Nik Peachey

Nina Lyulkun said...

Thanks a lot for such prompt response. I'll put it to our TESOL-Ukraine website to let everyone use it as a reference and tutorial at
I'd like to introduce you to Ukraine-TESOLers.
Thanks again,

Stay happy!

Helen said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with us -loads of great stuff to explore.
A big thank you and
Best regards
Helen (France)

anisoara said...

What I immensely appreciate, besides the professionalism, is the availability to share with the others who are less IT-proficient; this is the true spirit of coonectivistm. Thank you Nick

Nik Peachey said...

Thanks anisoara,
That's very kind and much appreciated.

Tony said...

Thank you for sharing this, Nik!

Have you considered releasing it under a Creative Commons license so that it can be more freely shared and built upon by the language teaching community? You kindly give permission to distribute the document in the comments on your blog, but the (c) at the bottom of each page somewhat inhibits that...

Thank you again for sharing this wonderful resource!

Nik Peachey said...

Hi Tony

I'm still thinking over the Creative Commons license issue. I kind of wrote the booklet 'by accident' it was just supposed to be some notes and handouts, then thought I might as well share it. Hadn't really thought through the rest, but I am giving it some thought and I certainly won't be prosecuting anyone who shares it (unless they try to charge for it).

Thanks for bringing it up and I will give it some more thought.



Anonymous said...

I really love the booklet. It has helped me a lot and I'm trying to integrate some of the tools presented there in my classes. Thank you for sharing.
Bianca from Uruguay

Nik Peachey said...

Thanks Bianca,

It's getting a bitout of date these days. I'm hopng to find time to do another edition with lots more tools.
Just need to find the time.