This links to the lyrics start to show beneath the search box as you type, and then you just click on the sentence to link to the correct verse from the song. You'll see the part of the song highlighted and there's a link to a clip from Amazon.

Unfortunately the clip is only the start of the song and may not have your grammar example in, but it is easy from hear to find the clip on YouTube or find the clip and the rest of the lyrics together using a tool like Tubeoke that matches clips to lyrics.

I hope you find Lyreach useful.
Related links:
- Using Word Clouds in EFL
- 6 Activities you can do online with songs and music
- Can Music Aid Memory of Text?
- Karaoke with a Social
Nik Peachey
Hi Nick,
Technology saving time? I'd say you saved me the time to search for this. Exactly what I needed.
Thank you for this.
Cheers for posting this, Nik!
I find teaching grammar pretty dull as well, & using songs can be a good way to spice things up.
I'm sure that both these tools will come in really useful & save time when I'm looking for a song to teach a specific grammar point, so thanks again!
Sue :-)
This is brilliant! I too find teaching grammar dull and sometimes spend ages looking for songs with related grammar points. This will save loads of time. Thanks again.
wow, very nice...one of the very few (out of the trillions that surface every week) web tools that i can honestly see the use and appeal of. thanks!
Not to be redundant... but excellent tip, Nik :)
Thanks All
Glad this is useful and thanks for the positive feedback. It's always nice to know when I get it right.
This is very cool. If only we could search for more general strings by using "I am *ing", for example.
Hi Kfbunny
You can do similar things to that with http://www.googlebattle.com and compare the use of say "I have" with "I am" and get links to the results in Google that help you find answers (a little like a concordancer). The problem is that it doesn't specifically give you songs. It's still quite an informative tool though. I wrote an article about it a while back at:http://nikpeachey.blogspot.com/2008/11/tool-for-comparing-words.html
Comparing the frequency of use and context can be pretty interesting.
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