Thursday 6 November 2008

Creating Dynamic Process Flow Charts

I've just been reading about Product Planner on the DemoGirl blog. This looks like a useful tool for creating instructions or flow diagrams of processes based on images and text. Here's an example to play with.

You can sign up for free, and once you have created your 'flow' diagrams you you then get an embed code so that you can add them to websites or blogs. Here's the video from Demo Girl which shows how to create these.

These flows look very handy for making instructional image sequences that don't take up too much space for blogs. This is a problem I constantly have with my Daily English Activities blog. I want to give image support to my instructions, but don't want to make pages excessively long. So this could be the answer.

Anyway, I hope you find this useful.

Related links:

Nik Peachey

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