At the bottom of the page there is voting button where you can choose which of the two countries you would prefer to live in.

Here are some ways I think you could use this site with students.
- Get them to find a country they would prefer to live in and ask them to find 5 reasons to justify.
- Get students to find a country they would NOT prefer to live in and ask them to justify.
- Select two countries and ask students to choose one to live in and justify their choice.
- Ask students to look at the colour rating of the facts and see if the agree with the positive / negative rating of the facts.
- Ask them to compare a number of different countries and find out which is the most environmentally sound / destructive.
- Ask students to compare a number of countries and find out which has the best quality of life (They will need to decide what the criteria are for this).
- Ask students to decide which of the facts displayed would influence their choice of country most.
- Ask students to look at the facts that are compared and decide which important facts they feel are missing.
- Ask students to look at some of the comments about the countries and decide - which they agree with / disagree with, which they think are ridiculous.
- Ask students to compare their country to a number of others then post a comment or ask a questions about each country.
- Get students to find the comments about their own country and respond to one of them ( in a polite way)
- Ask students to look at the site and try to decide who constructed it and why.
- Ask students to look at the facts about their country and decide if they think they are accurate.
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Nik Peachey