Friday 8 June 2012

Engage Students with Flipped Video Tasks

The concept of the flipped classroom seems to be gaining ever increasing momentum within the field of education generally. Much of this revolves around the use of video to deliver input / lectures to students who can then come to class and do the more engaging and practical part of their work with some teacher support.

One of the major criticisms of this method though is that a dull unengaging content doesn't suddenly become engaging because it's on a video on the web, so how do we get students to engage with the content and make sure they watch it in a challenging and interactive way.

Vialogues is a useful tool for attempting to do this (though dull content will always be dull) because it enables you to create interaction around the video that actually gets students to think about and engage with the content.

Here's an example Vialogue I created around one of my own (rather old) short videos.

As you can see it has the YouTube video (you can also upload video from your computer if you prefer) but I have been able to create a few questions and simple polls for students to interact with at specific points in the video.
As I said, this doesn't make the content any more lively, but it does make the viewing process a little more interactive and collaborative.

So if you think the flipped classroom approach is for you ( and your students) then Vialogues could be a good tool to try.

I hope you enjoy it.

Related links:


Nik Peachey


Chris Fry Barcelona said...

I feel your example lacked a free-form box at the end for comments.

I would have said that in fact I found it difficult to multi-task. I tried to interact using the questions but constantly felt I was probably missing content in what you were saying.

Maybe you need to insert 'Pause the video and answer question 7'

Nik Peachey said...

Hi Chris

That's interesting. Perhaps getting used to pausing and controlling the video player is something learners need to do, or perhaps there should be the expectation that they will need to listen more than once, after all that would be desirable, but I take your point - this is a different skills from listening to a live lecture and taking notes.

Thanks for giving it a try.

