This is a nice site that you can use to have some fun with your students and of course to generate some language and learning activities. It's called
Celebrity Matchup. All you do is choose the gender and then upload a picture of yourself or one of your students. The site then scans their image and selects a set of celebrities that they look like. Here are some of my matches!

Can't really say I'm flattered! I also tried matching myself to female celebrities (just curiosity) and got these results. Could I really be the Carmen Electra of ELT? Um! Doubt it!

Well I'm not really sure that
Celebrity Matchup works, but I think you could have a lot of fun and discussion with your students deciding which is the closest match and what the differences and similarities of the facial features are. I'm sure there's a really good facial characteristics lesson in there somewhere with lots of vocabulary.
Anyway, if you or your students really like the matches you get you can even get a widget to add your results to your blog or website.

Just by clicking on the image you see above once you've matched up and pasting the code into your blog.
Well I hope you enjoy that and match up to some flattering celebrities, but do watch out for the advertising.
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Nik Peachey